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Simplifying complex global issues for curious minds and
professionals seeking clarity and impactful insights.

Blog posts

Article 370 and Its Abrogation: A Step Towards New Opportunities

I can still recall the moment—August 5, 2019—when headlines blazed across my screen: “Article 370 Revoked! Jammu and Kashmir’s Special...

5 Powerful Insights on International Women’s Day: History, Role of Women & Path to Equality

International Women’s Day—a phrase we hear every year on March 8, but have we ever paused to ask, why does it still...

Stock Market Crash in India: Impact and What Lies Ahead

What Happened to the Indian Stock Market? Have you ever wondered how billions of rupees can disappear from the stock...

HMPV Virus: The Silent Respiratory Threat & How We Can Stay Safe

A few days ago, I woke up with a mild cough and a stuffy nose. Given the times we live...

Triple Talaq : A Bold Fight for Justice and Women’s Empowerment

I still remember the day I first heard about Triple Talaq. It was during a group discussion on gender rights...

Russia-Ukraine War: A Brutal Conflict Reshaping the World

Russia-Ukraine war—why did it begin, and how has it evolved into one of the most devastating conflicts of our time?...

The Israel Conflict: A Story of Struggles, History, and Hope

What makes The Arab-Israel conflict, also known as the Palestine conflict or the Middle East conflict, one of the most persistent and emotionally charged...

The Uniform Civil Code in India: A Step Towards Equality or a Challenge to Diversity?

Have you ever wondered why two people in the same country, living under the same Constitution, are governed by entirely...

Waqf Amendment Bill 2024 : A Bold Move or a Legal Dilemma?

Introduction: Why Should We Care About the Waqf Amendment Bill 2024? Have you ever wondered what happens to properties dedicated...
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